Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips Writing Motivation

Why write a novel? Twitter tells us

Why is writing a book a dream for so many people, and so satisfying for others? There are a number of reasons…

Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips Writing Motivation

Writing memoir: Three things to learn from Anne Lamott

Writing memoir often means writing about family and other real people. Lamott’s honesty and self-deprecating humour are instructive to any writer interested in tackling the memoir form. Here are three things you can learn about writing memoir from Lamott:

Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips Writing advice

Turning notes into a novel

Turning notes into a novel, a publishable manuscript, can seem daunting. Despite this, the tips below will help you develop your notes into a book.

Novel writing tips Writing Motivation

5 ways using morning pages will help you finish writing a book

‘Morning pages’ is a concept popularized in Julia Cameron’s book The Artist’s Way. Using morning pages is a system Cameron describes as something that will ‘provoke, clarify, comfort, cajole, prioritize and synchronize the day at hand’.

Fantasy writing Novel writing tips

Five great writing tips from J.K. Rowling

These days, J.K. Rowling is a household name all over the world – the first billionaire author on the planet and the creator of a world that … Read More

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