A manuscript evaluation is a type of edit that delivers big picture feedback on your novel’s strengths and weaknesses — helping you refine your work before you take the next step forward in the publishing process. If you have doubts about whether your story is engaging, your characters compelling, or your pacing effective, then getting a manuscript evaluation from a professional editor might just be the way to find out.
In this article, we’ll break down what a manuscript evaluation involves, who should get one, and how it can elevate your writing.
Let’s begin!
What is a manuscript evaluation?
A manuscript evaluation (also known as an appraisal or an editorial assessment) is an editing service where a professional editor reads your manuscript and provides high-level feedback on it in a structured report.
In this report, your editor will typically cover the strengths of the manuscript in addition to “big picture” areas requiring further revision, for instance:
- Narrative structure
- Characterization and character development
- Pacing and tension
- SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and style
- Setting/worldbuilding
- And even marketability!
As mentioned earlier, a manuscript evaluation is usually delivered in the form of a multi-page report, or letter. A few editors also annotate the submitted draft with periodic commentary — whether it’s to note what works in the manuscript, draw attention to exemplary, stand-out passages, or identify weak spots raised in the appraisal.
A manuscript evaluation is not a developmental edit
Developmental editing also provides a high-level overview of your manuscript. So what’s the difference between the two, you ask?
The key difference comes down to the level of detail that each type of editing provides: a developmental edit is a very in-depth pass that includes comments and revisions made directly on your manuscript. Your editor may rewrite a passage to give an example of different phrasing, for instance, or track detailed cuts with an explanation of how this benefits pace and tension. Meanwhile, a manuscript evaluation typically only includes the letter.Â
As you might expect, this makes developmental editing much more labor-intensive than manuscript assessments — which is why it often costs nearly double per word! While a developmental edit can cost upwards of $2,000, a manuscript evaluation typically is quoted between $600 to $900, depending on your word count and genre.Â
Of course, developmental editing is worth it if you require help overhauling a somewhat “underdeveloped” story. If, on the other hand, you’re on a budget yet still want writing feedback, a manuscript evaluation may prove more up your alley.
What to expect from a manuscript evaluation
Editors, like authors, have varying styles. Some are blunt in how they deliver feedback, while others couch feedback in kinder or rather suggestive language: "Perhaps" or "You could also...". A good editor is in some ways like an improvisation partner, in that they always say, "Yes, and...?" rather than merely a flat "no"!
That said, there are certain things you should expect from all editors when it comes to a manuscript evaluation. If submitting your manuscript, prepare for:
An early fit check
One thing that’s often included in a manuscript evaluation is a “sample edit.” This is a free edit of a few pages as an initial assessment, and it’s useful for seeing whether you have a “good fit” with a potential editor.
Some editors will also give you the option of a sample edit after the manuscript evaluation, but before hiring them for additional editing services, so that you can see for yourself if a professional’s editorial style suits your needs.Â
On the Reedsy marketplace, for instance, you can always ask for a sample edit from an editor — and it’s recommended that you do indeed ask! If you don't like a potential editor's feedback style, it’s better to discover this before making a larger financial commitment.
Honest editorial feedback
There is a simplistic version of what an editor does: they "correct" language.
And sure, there are times when editing is remedial and technical. Yet editing is usually more nuanced than that; it’s about adding narrative value and marketing-based advantages, elements which can be difficult for authors themselves to define.Â
An editor serving your text will do so with careful analysis to help your manuscript become the best possible version of itself. At times, their “fix” might be obvious and objective; at other times, it's more open to style, taste, and potential trade-offs to be made.
Editing is a juggling act between, on one hand, strictness with the “rules” of language — and on the other hand, the freedom to be creative and preserve the author’s individual voice. A good editor will know how to balance these things, and will provide honest editorial feedback to that end in your manuscript evaluation.
The opportunity to share your vision upfront
Speaking of preserving the author’s individual voice: an editor should listen to your vision of your story first and foremost.
In this vein, it's helpful for an editor to know a little about what you're aiming for upfront. Right at the beginning of your collaboration, you should clarify how you see your work currently versus where you want it to be.
If an editing client says, for example, “I'm not sure if my main character is too flat!”, a professional editor will ensure that their report pays extra attention to this “problem” area.
Further consultations if needed
In a manuscript evaluation or assessment, feedback that requires clarification or justification will be explained adequately in context. There may be instances where you're still slightly unsure, but a good and patient editor will always invite and answer any queries you have in response to their assessment.
Often, editing clients wish to discuss the project further after receiving a manuscript assessment. This might be for any number of reasons: either the assessment itself has sparked further ideas, or else the client is at a crossroads and has creative decisions to make and would like a continued sounding board.
The good news is that this is entirely possible as long as your editor is available! Because editing is a bespoke service, it's easy to add on a video call (if your editor offers this) for a freer discussion.
If your editor has capacity for this, send a concise list of questions you want to explore with them before your call. This way, they can prepare and offer you their most considered thoughts.
So, do you need a manuscript evaluation?
The answer is: it depends! A manuscript evaluation is a type of edit in the editing process — and whether you should get one depends on where you are in your journey. It’s likely to be the right fit for you at either of these specific stages:
- You've written some, or even most, of a draft and want feedback to check or recalibrate your course — most likely to return to the writing process after receiving your evaluation.
- You've written your complete draft and want to know what works and where any elements of the story break down — most likely to pursue additional editing services after the initial evaluation.
If either of these descriptions sounds like you, then a manuscript evaluation could serve you well. The Reedsy marketplace is a great starting point to look for experienced professional editors! Though note that a manuscript evaluation is listed as an editorial assessment on their website — so keep an eye out for the latter if you’re browsing.
Of course, there are also occasions where authors themselves can hold unrealistic expectations of the editing process. For example, an author might think, "I want you an editor who can make my novel a New York Times bestseller." Spoiler alert: an editor can’t guarantee this!
What they can do is assist you in making your book as strong as it can be, as well as identifying how it could be more marketable. They’ll be able to spot, for example, where a book departs from genre conventions or the pacing slows down too much — and whatever the main issue(s), they’ll let you know about it in their assessment.
So keep your expectations realistic. Remember that an editor eases the elevation, but your own, persistent march will ultimately get you to your version of “the top.” Good luck!