Plotting Story Development

170 plot development questions (plus worksheet)

Brainstorm plot intrigues with 100 questions for plotting from beginning to end, plus an extra seventy on the seven basic plots in a free worksheet.

Plotting Story Development

What are the elements of plot development?

What are the elements of plot development to remember when crafting a story? Read about 7 key elements of plot:


Developing stories by asking ‘What if…?’: 5 uses

Developing stories from the foundations of an idea to full novels is challenging. Yet the simple question ‘What if?’ is a powerful tool. Read 5 examples of ways you can use this versatile question to imagine story developments:

Plotting Story Development

How to master plot development: 8 steps

Plot development means ensuring that your novel contains what makes stories enjoyable to read: Action and event, change, wonder and surprise. Here’s how to improve your plot-writing skills

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