Team Now Novel


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5 ways to start a story: Choosing a bold beginning

Great authors show us there are many ways to start a story. You could begin a novel with a narrator/character introducing himself, like Salinger's Holden Caufield or Dickens' David Copperfield. Or you could begin in the thick of action, as Ray Bradbury's does in his classic novel, Fahrenhei...

January 21st, 2024

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Unseen worlds: the omission of women on SFF 'best of' lists

SomeGuy (and there is always someone who will fall under this title) will invariably pipe up in any online discussion on gender and identity for science fiction and fantasy (SFF) writing. Heā€™ll often say, "oh, I never see an authorā€™s gender or sexual orientation as being relevant for fiction," b...

October 1st, 2023

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The benefits of reading like a writer

Reading is a good recreational activity, but, for writers, it is a vital tool that can be used to hone the craft. The stories we read provide good guidelines for structuring plot and what various types of plot look like in action, as well as offering in-depth examples of various writing techniqu...

August 7th, 2023

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Finding your writing voice 5 points to consider

What sets you apart from other writers? How do you stand out from the crowd? The answer lies in ļ¬nding your unique writing voice. In this blog two guest writers give their take on how to find and hone your voice. Define ā€˜writerā€™s voiceā€™ A writerā€™s voice brings your creative identit...

July 31st, 2023

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Rising action that grips readers: 10 epic climax tips

What is rising action in a story? How do you make the build-up to the climax gripping, saturated with tension? Rising action is core to impactful dramatic structure. Learn all about it and read ten ideas and examples to make your story gripping: What is rising action? 'Rising action' refe...

July 16th, 2023

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Writing science fiction: 8 ideas for quantum leaps in craft

Writing science fiction has many pitfalls. Jargon-filled language; cryptic abstraction. Read eight tips and ideas from sci-fi icons, from advice on learning the basics to the power of speculation, plus more: Sci-fi writing tips and ideas from icons of the genre What tips and ideas do sci-f...

July 10th, 2023

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