Team Now Novel


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Story setting ideas: 7 tips to immerse readers

Strong story setting ideas are easy to find. Story setting examples by authors who write brilliant description supply many insights. Here are 7 ways to immerse your readers in place and time: 7 story setting ideas to try: Use the seasons or weather for mood Tie periods of your story to...

February 8th, 2021

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Using a writing prompts generator: 7 tips for progress

Using a writing prompts generator is not for every writer. Yet step-by-step prompts do make complex tasks easier. Read 7 tips for getting more out of writing prompts like those in Now Novel's dashboard: How to use a writing prompts generator well Use helpful placeholder text Use prompt...

February 1st, 2021

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How to outline a novel (template plus 7 checks)

Deciding how to outline a novel (or whether to outline at all) is a personal process for each author. This sample book outline plus 7 checks and insights will help you outline with purpose: Novel outlining: Pros, Cons, and Pitfalls Outlining novels: Pros and consShould I outline a novel?'P...

January 25th, 2021

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How to start a writing career: 7 bright ideas

Starting a story or novel is challenging enough. But how do you start a writing career, one of longevity and rewarding opportunities taken? Read 7 ideas for how to start a writing career: How to build a writing career: Invest in your skills every day Balance theory with praxis Manage expe...

January 11th, 2021

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Screenwriting tips: 8 big ideas (that apply to novels too)

How do you write a good screenplay? Or a novel worthy of film adaptation? Screenwriting tips by masters of visual storytelling help. Here are 8 great screenwriting ideas that apply to novels and other formats too: Screenwriting tips that apply to novels too: Keep your eyes on the ground a...

December 14th, 2020

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Writing schedule hacks (how major authors got going)

Having a good writing schedule is crucial for finishing. Here are 10 ways to get into a better writing routine: Writing schedule hacks to make time: Get accountable Stack good habits Stop mid-sentence Don't find time - make it Be an opportunist Write daily Find a fragment that excites you...

December 7th, 2020

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