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Direct characterization: 6 tips for precise description

Introducing and describing characters are key parts of the storytelling process. Read 6 tips for describing characters using direct characterization, with examples: Tips for direct charactization: Write clear and concise introductions Give specific context Use precise adjectives Give mean...

May 11th, 2020

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Writing cozy mysteries: 7 clues for coziness

The cozy mystery takes a gentler, character-focused approach to crime. Read 7 tips for writing cozy mysteries: What are cozy mysteries? Cozies are a subgenre of crime fiction that became popular during the 20th Century. In this subgenre: Adult themes associated with classic 'hard-bo...

April 28th, 2020

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Writing a heroic journey: 8 tips for epic arcs

The heroic journey is a classic story format. We find heroic quests in all genres. The relentless detective quests for the truth in crime fiction. The fantasy hero quests for knowledge, healing or restored harmony. The plucky whistle-blower quests to bring a corrupt official to justice in a poli...

April 20th, 2020

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Lyrical writing: 5 tips for crafting richer prose

Lyrical writing is writing that is song-like, poetic, or deeply evocative. Below we have 5 simple tips to write in a more lyrical style.  First, though, let's define the lyrical style of writing. We've all read books in which the writing can be simply described as beautiful. The writing ...

April 14th, 2020

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Plot hole pitfalls: 7 tips to avoid and fix

A plot hole, like a glaring grammar or typographical error, takes your reader out of the story. Read definitions of types of plot holes, plus 7 tips to avoid and fix them: What is a plot hole? A plot hole in a novel, film, play or other story medium is a gap (as the word 'hole' implies) in...

April 6th, 2020

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Proofreader tips: 10 paths to a tidier draft

Many books - self-published and traditionally published - could benefit from having had further editing. Here are 10 proofreader tips for a polished draft: 1. Read sentences in reverse Reading from right to left isn't reserved for Hebrew and Arabic scholars. Reading a sentence from last...

March 30th, 2020

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