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Grabbing attention with scene beginnings: 5 tips

Writing scene beginnings readers find compelling is a useful skill to develop. Here are 5 ways to write strong scene beginnings, with examples: 1. Start scenes with unusual events in motion Scenes that begin with 'business as usual' can be fascinating in their own right, if we tell them in...

June 5th, 2019

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Giving writing feedback: Improve your craft

Giving writing feedback is not often presented as a core step in becoming a better writer. Yet many distinguished authors were once (or still are) teachers, too. Here are 6 reasons why giving writing feedback improves your craft: 1. Giving writing feedback helps you problem-solve Problem-...

May 26th, 2019

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8 novel writing tips from accomplished authors

Experienced novelists know the focus and determination it takes to write a novel from start to finish. Read 8 authors' advice on writing a book: 1. Discover when and where you write best The Nobel-winning author Toni Morrison shared insights into her writing process with The Paris Review i...

May 21st, 2019

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Writing action scenes: 6 ways to keep scenes riveting

Whether you're writing a breakneck thriller, action screenplay or a script for a video game or graphic novel, writing action scenes that keep readers (or viewers) entertained is essential. Read 6 ways to make scenes more gripping: 1. Keep exposition focused and relevant to coming action Ex...

May 13th, 2019

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How to evoke powerful images in your reader's mind

Guest author Jerry Jenkins shares his top tips for authors, including 'engaging the theater of your reader's mind' and resisting the urge to explain. A writer wrote me recently and complained she was struggling to get enough detail into her story to give her readers the 'same pictures I see ...

May 9th, 2019

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Writing a scene that engages your reader: 5 tactics

Whether you're writing a novel, a screenplay, graphic novel or other kind of story, writing a scene that engages your reader from start to finish is crucial. Try these 5 tactics to keep scenes engaging: 1. Make your mise-en-scène interesting Mise en scène is a French term from film and ...

May 6th, 2019

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