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How to write a book fast: 5 simple rules

Learning how to write a book fast is a matter of having a process and tools to streamline the parts of writing a book that take the most time. Whether you're preparing for a write-a-thon like NaNoWriMo or have readers breathing down your neck for your next series installment, here are ways to wr...

October 22nd, 2018

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Dramatic point of view: 5 tips for fly-on-the-wall scenes

'Point of view' is an element of writing that confuses many beginning authors. There are various types, from omniscient to limited third person. Dramatic point of view is one such type. Read a definition of dramatic point of view along with examples and tips to help you use this POV well: Wha...

October 15th, 2018

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Writing conversations using setting (examples)

Writing conversations that don't involve setting is like writing action scenes that don't involve movement. Great dialogue has more than disembodied voices. It anchors us in a place, in the context that occasions characters' interaction. Read tips for creating realistic dialogue by involving you...

October 8th, 2018

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Realistic dialogue: Creating characters' speech patterns

Realistic dialogue moves stories along. When you give each character an interesting voice and persona, it's a joy to read their conversations. Varied, entertaining speech takes readers into the heart of your characters. Remember, too, that dialogue is crafted speech, and doesn't have to be e...

September 27th, 2018

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Writing tense dialogue: 5 ways to add arresting tension

Writing tense dialogue is effective in making characters' conversations interesting. When every exchange is a pleasantry or obvious observation, dialogue doesn't do the work it can to move a story along. Tense dialogue, whether an argument between colleagues, lovers, or hero and villain, adds a ...

September 17th, 2018

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Writing coach advice: 8 things I learned writing my debut

This is a guest contribution by Alyssa Hollingsworth, a writing coach at Now Novel whose debut The Eleventh Trade is out this month with Macmillan in the US and HotKey in the UK. About the same time I began working for Now Novel as a writing coach, my literary agent Amber Caravéo asked t...

September 12th, 2018

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