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If you want to make the big time, learn how to write a series. Why? Because once readers are hooked on book one and know that books two through four are on the way, you'll have a captive, invested book audience. These 10 tips for writing series will help you plan an intriguing, addictive multi-n...
July 5th, 2018
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Conflict in fiction is a crucial ingredient of tension and suspense. Whether it involves character vs character or character vs environment, conflict makes plots tick onward. Read tips for creating man vs nature (or person vs nature) conflict that shows characters struggling with their environme...
July 2nd, 2018
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One of the oldest and most compelling types of conflict we encounter in stories is man vs self. Man vs self - or person vs self - is a staple of tragedy in particular. In tragedy, a character's ignorance, arrogance or other trait often leads to downfall. Read a definition of this type of st...
June 28th, 2018
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Learning how to write dialogue in a story is crucial. Writing gripping conversations that include conflict and disagreement and further your story will make readers want to read on. Here are 7 steps to improve your dialogue writing skills: 7 steps to write better dialogue: Learn how to fo...
June 25th, 2018
Read post...Knowing how to start a scene so your reader is involved from the beginning is a skill anyone can develop. Read the following tips to ensure each set of unfolding events in your story captivates from the first few lines: What is a scene? A quick definition A scene is 'A sequence of continuo...
June 19th, 2018
Read post...The inciting event or incident - the situation that ignites circumstances fueling your story - is an opportunity to intrigue and win your reader's commitment. Remember these 7 tips to write riveting inciting action: 1: Make readers care 2: Stoke expectations 3: Promise development 4:...
June 11th, 2018
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