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Plot structure or narrative structure is a key element of story. Even the most simple children's stories have story events that relate to each other, showing intriguing cause and effect, action and reaction. Here are tips for shaping your story so there is satisfying connection between scenes an...
March 19th, 2018
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Foreshadowing is one way to connect scenes in a story across your longer story arcs. Here are examples of how to use foreshadowing in a sentence, along with related foreshadowing tips: 1. Foreshadowing characters' fates in exposition Foreshadowing (literally 'showing before') is usefu...
March 12th, 2018
Read post...Writing a good book is something every fiction writer aspires to. When writers ask for help writing a book, a popular question is 'Is my idea good enough?' Having a great story idea to start with helps. Yet a satisfying novel is a combination of many key components. Here are 10 ingredients that ...
March 8th, 2018
Read post...Novel idea generators and writing prompts are some tools for finding ideas for a story. Yet once you have your central idea - the single sentence that encapsulates the key, interesting details - you need to expand this so you're ready to draft. Here are tips for finding interesting plots, sub-pl...
March 5th, 2018
Read post...What is a synopsis? It's a summary which provides, in one quick read, the unique and compelling aspects of a story. How do you write a synopsis that you can submit with confidence to publishers? Read on for summary-writing tips and examples. First: Beyond defining a synopsis - what should a s...
February 26th, 2018
Read post...Foreshadowing - a 'warning or indication of a future event' - is a useful device in storytelling. Hinting at what will happen serves multiple purposes (such as building tension and suspense). Read foreshadowing examples showing how to tease approaching plot developments: First, a definition: ...
February 22nd, 2018
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