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What is a subplot? It's a secondary plot in a novel, play or movie. Subplots are the additional minor arcs that help develop characters, themes and settings. Read 5 tips for writing subplots, including useful examples of subplots from books: First, why use subplots? The main story arc in a...
July 17th, 2017
Read post...Writing romantic scenes between lovers and writing fight scenes (between lovers or heroes and villains) might sound miles apart. Yet both share common important elements: 1. Structure (shape, purpose, clarity and direction) There are four things great scenes of all types (not only ro...
July 13th, 2017
Read post...There are endless ways to describe someone, from physical description to verbal tics, personal views and more. Here are 10 questions to ask about your description words to help you make your writing vivid: 1: What are the most precise, descriptive nouns? Often when we think of description ...
July 3rd, 2017
Read post...'Action' and 'pacing' are two crucial elements in all stories, particularly in action/adventure and mystery/thriller novels. Knowing how to write action well keeps your tale engaging and fun. Here are 8 tips to help you pace your action story: How to write action better: Understand strong...
June 26th, 2017
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Plot development means ensuring that your novel contains what makes stories enjoyable to read: Action and event, change, wonder and surprise. Here's how to improve your plot-writing skills: Eight steps to develop a plot structure Know the crucial elements: What is plot? Write plot expo...
June 19th, 2017
Read post...Character profile writing is a useful way to build a rounded idea of your characters. Knowing your characters' appearance and persona inside out makes scenes practically write themselves, sometimes, when you bring characters together. To create a character profile, ask these 5 questions and writ...
June 15th, 2017
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