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Writing a book is a complex process. In this two-part post, we share 50 tips for the first five of the ten steps to writing a book, from finding a winning novel idea to writing a successful first draft: Step 1: Find a book-worthy story idea Whether you're writing a book for ...
June 30th, 2016
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Creative writing prompts provide a useful way to jog inspiration. Try these creative writing exercises focused on individual elements of storytelling: Creative writing prompts - find inspiration to: Master POV Create compelling dialogue Craft vivid setting descriptions Create int...
June 2nd, 2016
Read post...Mahi Wasfy, a writer and early childhood educator, recently completed Now Novel's author coaching process and finished writing her book, 'In The Heart of Cairo'. We asked Mahi to share her experiences and insights into writing a book from start to finish: Now Novel: Tell us a ...
May 30th, 2016
Read post...Actively learning how to get better at writing daily will greatly benefit your writing style and craft. Set aside as little as half an hour per day to add something new to your writing toolkit. Here are 10 easy tasks you can set yourself: Memorize five new synonyms Copy a paragraph by a grea...
May 26th, 2016
Read post...If you feel you don't know how to start writing a novel, you don't need a 'how to write a novel for dummies' book. There are several reasons why you could feel too unprepared to begin: Uncertainty about the merits of your story idea, lack of research and other preparation, or simply being n...
May 23rd, 2016
Read post...Published authors know there are many steps to how to become a novelist. You need discipline, imagination and planning skills to become a writer. These ten helpful quotes by bestselling authors describe some of the most important steps to becoming a writer. When you're finished readin...
May 12th, 2016
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