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How to self-edit your writing: 8 tips

Learning how to self-edit your writing empowers you to polish your prose. Ernest Hemingway famously quipped that you should 'write drunk and edit sober'. You need a state of mental clarity that allows you to be methodical when editing. It often pays to read what published authors have to say...

June 7th, 2015

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Writing fan fiction: Valuable platform or fad?

Fan fiction is a popular genre in which authors use existing fictional characters and worlds as the starting point for their own stories adhering to (or altering) 'canon' or the history of an author's work. Learn more about this genre and its practicalities: What is fan fiction? Fan fictio...

June 3rd, 2015

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Banish writer's block - infographic

We've previously explored ways you can break out of a dry spell and get writing. We've condensed ten of our favorite methods into the infographic below. Pin, tweet, or share on Facebook with the writers you know who might appreciate a reminder of the many ways creative paralysis can be...

May 30th, 2015

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43 must-visit sci-fi websites for writers

The imagining of possible worlds is the staple of science fiction. Here are 43 must-visit sci-fi websites for writers: Science Fiction research websites There's a handy science fiction and fantasy resource guide by SuperSummary here Cornell University's science fiction and fantasy resear...

May 18th, 2015

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Fantasy character types: 5 popular kinds

Fantasy novels are full of varied fantasy character types. Read about 5 popular types (and ways to avoid associated overdone tropes): What is a fantasy character type? When we refer to 'types' in fiction, we refer to character molds that recur again and again. For example, Shakespeares'...

May 11th, 2015

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12 famously incarcerated writers

Each year, PEN International marks the Day of the Imprisoned Writer in order to raise awareness about persecuted and incarcerated writers worldwide, but not all writers who have done time have been political prisoners. Here are a dozen writers who went to prison for a variety of reasons: Sir ...

May 4th, 2015

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