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51 must-visit websites for romance writers

We’ve put together 53 of the best websites for romance writers. Enjoy these romance writing resources and let us know any you think are missing: Romance Writing Advice Romance University is a blog featuring online lectures from successful romance writers. Topics covered include e...

April 28th, 2015

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Writing inspiration: 11 authors on how to get inspired to write

This week we have a bumper guest post: we asked several writers and lit bloggers whose work collectively spans nearly every genre from historical fiction to sci-fi to tell us about their top sources of inspiration. When you're inspired to start writing a book of your own, try the Now Novel proce...

April 13th, 2015

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Historical fiction: 7 elements of research

This guest contribution is by author and historical fiction blogger M.K. Tod of A Writer of History. Mary provides valuable insights into the particular research required of the historical fiction writer, along with practical advice for sourcing the factual material that will help bring a bygone...

March 30th, 2015

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How to appeal to young and old: Roald Dahl

British writer Roald Dahl is one of the most popular and beloved children’s authors in the English language. Writers can study his work to learn how to appeal to young and old and so create fiction for children that lasts. Roald Dahl's longevity Although Dahl died in 1990, his books re...

March 23rd, 2015

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The art of suspense: Donna Tartt

The ability of Donna Tartt to generate suspense is one of the reasons she has as much popular success as she does critical acclaim. Writers can study her use of this element to see how she deploys it to turn her literary novels into page turners that exemplify the art of suspense. Donna Tart...

March 16th, 2015

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Rediscovering the joy of writing

Writing is almost always a labor of love, but sometimes that love falters. When you begin to forget what you ever enjoyed about writing in the first place, it's still possible to restore a sense of joy to your work: Write about writing Try a freewriting exercise. Write about your feelings ...

March 2nd, 2015

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