Jordan K


Jordan Kantey is an editor, writer and writing workshop facilitator. He’s been helping authors develop their stories for ten years. He achieved his Honours in English Literature with distinction from the University of Cape Town. He has had poems published in several journals and an anthology. He blogs about writing craft and process at Now Novel and loves to help aspiring authors reach their goals.

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Recent posts

What are good topics for novels? 14 ways to find winners

Whether you're between projects or planning on writing your first book, there are many ways to decide what are good novel topics. Here are 14 ideas for how to find book topics: What are good book topics? 14 story starters: Use Google News Search the classifieds/back pages Create a game of...

September 13th, 2021

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How to write story exposition that hooks readers fast

'Story exposition' is often described as background, the necessary part to include so that readers know when, where and why your story takes place. Yet the exposition in a novel or short story is also an opportunity to entice, amuse, alarm and surprise your reader, foregrounding engaging themes ...

September 6th, 2021

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How a novel writing coach helps you get better faster

The benefits of coaching in athletics and business are well known. How does a novel writing coach help you write your story, though? Read on for eight insights into how coaching works, and why: 8 reasons why a writing coach makes writing easier: You set and achieve SMART goals Coaching...

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Writing focus: 9 ways to improve yours

When you're writing, your focus isn't 'on' every day of the week. Improve your writing focus so you can get to work and finish your story. Try these 9 strategies for the busy writer: 9 ways to build your focus to write: Start with freewriting Keep active Plan ahead Remove distractions Joi...

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Author interview: Writing historical romance with Fil Reid

We chat to Now Novel member Fil Reid who recently won Dragonblade Publishing's "The Write Stuff" contest, about writing historical romance. About Fil and her winning publishing contest entry Jordan: Hi Fil, thank you for sharing the news that you won Dragonblade Publishing's contest and a ...

August 19th, 2021

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Tips when writing a book: Top 10 from Now Novel's webinars

Many tips to remember to when writing a book are shared in writing seminars, interviews, critique circles and webinars around the world. Here are ten curated from Now Novel's monthly writing webinars where authors from 5 continents come together to discuss writing craft: Remember these tips w...

August 16th, 2021

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