Jordan K


Jordan Kantey is an editor, writer and writing workshop facilitator. He’s been helping authors develop their stories for ten years. He achieved his Honours in English Literature with distinction from the University of Cape Town. He has had poems published in several journals and an anthology. He blogs about writing craft and process at Now Novel and loves to help aspiring authors reach their goals.

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Recent posts

Editing and revising: 7 tips from top authors and editors

Editing and revising are often seen as the 'slog' part of writing. Yet there is imagination and creativity in this stage of writing, too. Read 7 respected authors' and editors' ideas and methods: 1. Eliminate 'puffy' writing In Stephen King's On Writing, King describes a useful note he rec...

February 17th, 2020

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What the best fantasy series teach us: 7 lessons

The best fantasy series offer many lessons in building magical worlds and fantastical escapades. Read 7 lessons from series by Le Guin, Tolkien, Pratchett, Lewis and others: 1. Create magic with the details The 'rules' for world building are similar to the rules for writing realism. Detail...

February 3rd, 2020

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Write with purpose: 7 ways to keep drafts focused

As in memorable music where each note feels carefully considered, many great books have a strong sense of underlying purpose. How do you write with purpose and direction? Here are 7 ways to keep drafts focused: 7 ways to main your draft's focus: Use a flexible outline Write the last lines...

January 27th, 2020

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World building tips: Writing engaging settings

World building tips often focus on fantastical genres such as fantasy and sci-fi, because they involve creating worlds different to our own. It's important to create immersive, interesting and believable settings, whatever your genre. To build a detailed world, one to rival Westeros, Hogwar...

January 16th, 2020

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What makes a plot intriguing? 6 ideas

What makes a plot keep you turning pages? Plot has many moving parts. Incidents and elaborations, causes and effects, doubling back and forecasting approaching events. Learn more about the relation between 'plot' and 'story' and ways to make your plot more captivating: 1. Elaborate your story...

January 13th, 2020

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Your writing process: 7 habits for success

The writing process is often spoken about in near-mystical terms. Sit in the right chair, at the right desk. Burn some sage. Turn around three times before you sit down to write. Yet anyone can build a successful writing process. Here are 7 key habits to reach your writing resolutions: 1. Kee...

January 7th, 2020

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