Jordan K


Jordan Kantey is an editor, writer and writing workshop facilitator. He’s been helping authors develop their stories for ten years. He achieved his Honours in English Literature with distinction from the University of Cape Town. He has had poems published in several journals and an anthology. He blogs about writing craft and process at Now Novel and loves to help aspiring authors reach their goals.

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Recent posts

Writing an action story: 8 tips for strong pacing

'Action' and 'pacing' are two crucial elements in all stories, particularly in action/adventure and mystery/thriller novels. Knowing how to write action well keeps your tale engaging and fun. Here are 8 tips to help you pace your action story: How to write action better: Understand strong...

June 26th, 2017

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How to master plot development: 8 steps

Plot development means ensuring that your novel contains what makes stories enjoyable to read: Action and event, change, wonder and surprise. Here's how to improve your plot-writing skills: Eight steps to develop a plot structure Know the crucial elements: What is plot? Write plot expo...

June 19th, 2017

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Character profiles: 5 questions for a detailed cast

Character profile writing is a useful way to build a rounded idea of your characters. Knowing your characters' appearance and persona inside out makes scenes practically write themselves, sometimes, when you bring characters together. To create a character profile, ask these 5 questions and writ...

June 15th, 2017

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How to describe hands: 6 ways to make characters real

Describing hands is useful for showing characters' psychological traits and personality, age and more. Many amateur writers stop at describing eye colour or how characters say their dialogue. Yet there are many different physical details you can use to show a character's nature. Read exampl...

June 12th, 2017

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Novel structure: 7 tips for structuring your book

Understanding how to structure a novel makes your story easier and more satisfying to read. Good structure creates plot clarity and cohesion. Read 7 tips for how to structure your book, including story structure examples from accomplished novels: 1: Understand basic story structure 2: Lear...

June 5th, 2017

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Examples of adjectives from top authors' novels

Adjectives - words that describe nouns or pronouns - add specificity and detail to writing. The literal definition of adjective is 'throw towards', from the Latin prefix ad- (towards) and the verb jacere (throw). That's what great describing words do: They 'throw' readers into your fictiona...

May 29th, 2017

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