Jordan K


Jordan Kantey is an editor, writer and writing workshop facilitator. He’s been helping authors develop their stories for ten years. He achieved his Honours in English Literature with distinction from the University of Cape Town. He has had poems published in several journals and an anthology. He blogs about writing craft and process at Now Novel and loves to help aspiring authors reach their goals.

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Recent posts

Rediscovering the joy of writing

Writing is almost always a labor of love, but sometimes that love falters. When you begin to forget what you ever enjoyed about writing in the first place, it's still possible to restore a sense of joy to your work: Write about writing Try a freewriting exercise. Write about your feelings ...

March 2nd, 2015

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Getting better at writing: Simple ways to improve craft

Writers may sometimes feel overwhelmed by the many aspects of fiction they must attend to when learning to write. Getting better at writing comes with practice, but you can also work on your craft consciously: Consume stories like a writer Sometimes, writers talk about reading as a writer....

February 25th, 2015

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How to keep motivated after the first draft

How do you keep motivated after the first draft of a book? Read tips to stay focused for the longer haul of revision and the path to publication: Common emotions on finishing a first draft Many writers experience one of two emotions on finishing a preliminary draft. They may feel exhilarat...

February 9th, 2015

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How to avoid clichés in writing: Story themes

To be an original writer, it's important to learn  how to avoid clichés. Many of the same themes are explored often in fiction without being reduced to clichés. You can do the same by understanding what the clichés of your genre are, and how to create your own, varied treatment: First: What ...

January 19th, 2015

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What are morning pages? Easy warmup for creators

Writing motivation - the drive to create - varies naturally at different stages of the writing process. Learn about Morning Pages, Julia Cameron's simple technique for getting back into a state of writing flow: What are morning pages? 'Morning Pages' is a writing exercise and concept devis...

March 20th, 2014

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Chekhov's Gun: What it is and how to use it like a pro

'Chekhov's Gun' is a concept that describes how every element of a story should contribute to the whole. It comes from Anton Chekhov's famous book writing advice: 'If you say in the first chapter that there is a rifle hanging on the wall, in the second or third chapter it absolutely must go...

January 28th, 2014

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