EB French is currently in our Group Coaching program, and has just released her first novel, Botanical Love.
It's a romantic comedy described as as a sweet workplace romance in small-town Georgia. Here's a synopsis:
Mari has focused on her career for far too long, mostly because plants don't break people's hearts. During grad school for biology she really thrived doing fun research and now she has an opportunity to work on a cutting edge product. So, she doesn't really do romantic relationships. Definitely not. It will be a new adventure in a small town.
Not until she meets her new boss, Sean. Equally as passionate about work and with a calm exterior he seems to smooth everything over. Plus, he's the small town golden boy. He's working on presenting to potential investors to grow the company and leave this small town. A new friendship could be just what she needs, right? Except when late night in the lab are making the attraction harder to ignore, and keeping a secret is nearly impossible in a small town.

EB French
Is this your first book?
Yes! This is the first book I wrote right as Covid started. I did write and publish a novella, but that was written after this one.Â
Tell us about your book, what was its genesis?
I was a teacher in a small town and there was a company similar to the one the story is about!
Do you outline, are you a plotter or pantser?
Yes, I like plottingÂ
What is your writing routine? Do you have any special routine to help you get into the writing zone?
I typically plot first, and think about my character arcs. Then I aim for 500 words a day either in the morning or after work.
If you have a day job, how do you carve out time to write? Do you write every day?
My day job can be demanding! So it is a challenge to make time to write. But typically, during the week I am in that 'work mode' mindset and can get some words outÂ
Where do you write?
Usually on my couch with my laptop
Do you have any tip(s) for aspiring writers?
I think it's best to have some sort of plan, whether it be a character, a setting or some plot point. Having some idea can be really helpful. Also reach out for help from editors, Facebook groups, beta readers, and other writers.

Have you taken any writing courses?
Yes. I actually studied creative writing in college and I am in the Group Coaching program with Now Novel.
What is the one important thing a writer needs to do/know?
What do you wish you’d known before writing/publishing?
I wish I'd started sooner!
What is that one special quality a writer needs?
I think it's best to have some sort of plan, whether it be a character, a setting or some plot point. Having some idea can be really helpful. Also reach out for help from editors, Facebook groups, beta readers, and other writers.
Do you have any writing books that you’d recommend?
This is a great one:  7 Figure Fiction: How to Use Universal Fantasy to Sell Your Books to Anyone by T. Taylor.
What are you reading now?
I just read Sarah Adams, she writes romantic comedies! And for a book club I'm in we read the novel Worry, by Alexandra Tanner. It was interesting! Definitively some funny moments.
Who is your favourite author?
I really enjoy R.S. Grey. I also love Margaret Atwood on the literary side and I read a book by Adrienne Young that I thought was awesome.
Social media handles?
I'm on Instagram and TikTok. Sometimes, but not as often as I could. @ebfrench for TikTok and @authorebfrench for Instagram.
If you could invite a few writers to dinner (past or present) who would they be?
Maybe some poets, Sylvia Plath, Margaret Atwood, Elizabeth Bishop.
What are you working on now?
I'm working on the next book in the series that takes place in the Caribbean. An enemies to lovers, only one bed story!
How has your life changed as a (published) writer?
It's been exciting for sure! I've gotten some readers and hope to continue to grow, but not put too much pressure on myself.
Anything else you’d like to add?
I wrote a novella and I wasn't sure how it would be received since it's shorter but I've gotten some great reviews! Sometimes it's nice to just finish something even if it's shorter than a novel.Â