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This is a guest post by Dominic Tarn. No one wants to publish a book only to be greeted by the deafening silence. Understanding how to build an audience of early readers will ensure people spread the word about your book: 1. Start marketing early They key to it is to start marketing early - the e...
December 27th, 2013
How can you build a book audience for your writing? These six strategies will take you from creating a core audience to expanding well beyond that initial group of readers: Work as your own book publicist If you are self-published, you already know this is vital to finding a readership. If...
June 25th, 2015
Our previous guide on how to build an audience for your fiction included practical tips on using social media, getting active in your local book-reading community and more. Now you can read and share some of the key pointers included in that guide via the concise infographic below: These...
June 27th, 2015
What is an elevator pitch? It's a proposal that can be delivered in about 60 seconds verbally or in a single written page of text. The term is standard in marketing. A great elevator pitch novel writers can use to sell their novels should have at least the following 5 features: 1. T...
June 28th, 2016
This is a guest post by Samar Hammam, literary agent and founder of Rocking Chair Books. Submitting your novel to an agent or publisher is a multi-stage process. It helps to know the fundamentals of what makes a strong submission. At book fairs, aspiring authors often ask, 'How can I get...
January 11th, 2018
[This is a guest post by Dave Chesson, founder of Kindlepreneur - Ed.] Marketing your book doesn’t have to break the bank or burn a hole in your pocket. As a starting author, or just one who needs to save some money, marketing on a budget is a must — not a choice. Let’s look at 10 of the bes...
November 5th, 2020
Learning how to make your writing stand out in a crowded digital marketplace or physical library is key to building your audience. Here are 8 branding tips to help you deliver a dependable author brand: How to make your writing stand out: 8 steps Develop your own, unique writing voice Car...
April 5th, 2021
Amazon, for authors, is more than just a place to sell your story (if you choose the indie route). It's a helpful resource for research, understanding 'market', seeing how to categorize your books and more. Here are 6 ways to use Amazon to your benefit when starting your writing or publishing jo...
June 14th, 2021
After drafts and rewrites, beta reads and edits, how to sell a book is the next hurdle. Read insights from commercially successful books, Goodreads reviews, the resilience of now-famous authors, and more: How to sell a book from the writing stage: Know your audience and market Find bro...
February 28th, 2022
Learn how to pitch a story and grab agents' attention with a proven template.
February 25th, 2025
When authors go indie and publish a book, how to get book reviews is a common challenge. For Amazon to take notice and start spotlighting your book, you typically need at least 50 reviews. How can you convert readers into reviewers and boost your book's visibility? Read on for nine steps: 9 s...
June 6th, 2022
Writing to market, tailoring your book to a well-defined audience, has pros and cons. Read on for pros of niching down, and keep reading for the cons so you can weigh your options: What does writing to market mean? The phrase writing to market means writing books that are written more to m...
June 27th, 2022
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