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What is good writing? 10 Best Twentieth Century Poems
Ladies and gentlemen, here it is: the 10 Must-Read Twentieth Century Poems! Are you ready? In descending order, we have... 10. Queen Anne’s Lace – William Carlos Williams This Modernist writer utilized vivid imagery expressed through deliberately casual, everyday American English. “Queen Anne’s L...
November 14th, 2012
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5 classic books every teen should read
Look around for recommendations for books that are perfect for teens and chances are you will come across the same three answers over and over again: the Hunger Games, Harry Potter, and the Twilight series. Chances are you (if you are a teen) or your teen(s) (if you are a parent), just like most ...
May 7th, 2013
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Top ten romance novels: Books to inspire you
In order to write great romance novels, you need to read great romance novels. Below is a list of successful top ten romance novels spanning subgenres from classic literature to contemporary. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is the original chicklit novel as Elizabeth Bennet attempts to navig...
October 8th, 2013
Read post...The best crime novels: 10 must-read books
Writing great crime fiction means reading the best crime novels? Below are 10 crime novels that will give you a good reading foundation: Defining what we mean by 'crime novels' Most aficionados of crime and mystery fiction could quibble about the differences between crime and mystery fiction. Th...
October 21st, 2013
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5 classic fantasy books to read
Most lovers of fantasy fiction are well-acquainted with such classic works as J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, L. Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz and C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia. But what are some of the lesser-known but important wor...
December 5th, 2013
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Best poems from the 21st Century: 3 lessons in how to write a book
Many prominent novelists have also been poets: the Canadian author Margaret Atwood has been a prolific writer of not only novels but poetry and essay collections too. Poetry tends to have a smaller readership, but the best poems provide insights into how to be creative with image, style and line...
June 28th, 2015
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7 lessons from books made into movie adaptations
Many authors who have had books made into movie adaptations have become multi-millionaires almost overnight. Why are some books primed for screen adaptation from the start? They share in common strong high concepts, great structure, visual flair and more. Read 7 lessons from books adap...
May 18th, 2017
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