🎉 NowNovel has a new look! Allow us to introduce ourselves.

The value of beta readers: how to find and benefit from them
The breakdown of the traditional publishing model and increasing popularity of e-readers has opened up enormous opportunity for self published authors. But with this comes the shift of responsibility for everything from editing to marketing, which used to be done by print publishers. This means t...
January 6th, 2014
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Creating your own budget MFA in Creative Writing
Studying for an MFA in fiction writing can be expensive. Even though not everyone can afford to study creative writing at university, you can create your own budget MFA in creative writing. Pool writing resources and build a library of articles and tips to return to when you need ideas and inspir...
April 8th, 2014
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5 easy ways to research your novel
Writers tend to be split in their feelings about research with some enjoying it and others dreading it. Almost every writer will need to do at least a little research from time to time, but there are a number of methods available to get you the information that you need. Not every novel requi...
October 1st, 2014
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How to self-edit your writing: 8 tips
Learning how to self-edit your writing empowers you to polish your prose. Ernest Hemingway famously quipped that you should 'write drunk and edit sober'. You need a state of mental clarity that allows you to be methodical when editing. It often pays to read what published authors have to say...
June 7th, 2015
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Now Novel online writing groups: Improve your writing
Writing groups on the web are so popular because they provide a space to share work and get helpful feedback, wherever you are. This helps you stay focused on your writing goals. Unsure of whether or not you should join an online writing group? Here are five reasons why it could be the best choi...
September 11th, 2015
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Book writing online: 10 effective tools for writers
Finishing a novel takes focus, dedication, motivation and time. Tools for book writing online make it much easier for you to plot a story, create a sustainable writing routine, draft without distraction and more. Don’t wait for NaNoWriMo to roll around again to finish your novel this y...
January 25th, 2016
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How can I get help writing a book? 7 tips
If you've always wanted to write a novel but don't know where to start, or you start writing your book and get stuck, you're probably asking 'How can I get help writing a book?' It's easy to find help with each part of writing. 1. Join a writing group or community Writing fiction is sharin...
March 31st, 2016
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Writer software: 6 great tools for writing a book
Writer software has evolved over the years. Now you can organize your writing process, format your book and perform research easier than ever. The best writing software: Speeds up your writing process Makes it easier to collaborate with editors, writing coaches and first readers Helps you tu...
April 11th, 2016
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7 writing productivity tools to work smarter
Writing productivity tools and apps make it easier to structure your work and maximize what you get out of available writing hours. Here are 7 tools and apps that will help you finish a book this year: 1. Google Docs It's tricky keeping productive when you have countless other dem...
January 5th, 2017
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Being a fiction writing coach: 5 valuable lessons
Being a fiction writing coach gives daily insights into the common and different struggles aspiring authors face. It also helps us find solutions we can apply to challenges in our own creative work. Here are 5 valuable lessons we've learned through working with diverse writers: 1. Beckett was...
January 4th, 2018
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Online writing courses: 7 tips to get more out
Online writing courses and workshops have many pros. Improving your writing without having to commute to meet-ups. Completing courses at your own pace and being able to fit when you engage around your own schedule. Use these tips to get the most from the next writing course you enroll in: ...
July 16th, 2018
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Updating our online writing tools: 8 lessons and changes
Over the past year, we've spoken to Now Novel members and visitors to better understand your writing challenges and processes. We've funneled the insights people shared into exciting improvements to our story brainstorming and outlining tools, now live. Here are 8 lessons we learned and ho...
October 31st, 2018
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