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How to copyright a book or novel (and keep to fair use)
Knowing how to copyright a book or novel (and whether registration is necessary) protects your work. Keeping to fair use yourself will also help you avoid the stress of legal action over your own creative work. How to copyright your book (and navigate intellectual property rights): Unders...
February 21st, 2022
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Self-publishing on Amazon: 20 pros and cons for authors
Self-publishing on Amazon has pros and cons, like any path to publishing your book. Read pros and cons to help you make shrewder choices in your publishing journey: 10 pros of self-publishing on Amazon Good knowledge base and Amazon guides Get your book to market faster Access to gl...
May 16th, 2022
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How to get your book published: Detailed 2022 guide
Wondering how to get a book published for the first time? Read on for advice on preparing to publish. Find information on indie vs traditional publishing, choosing between smaller and larger publishing companies, and more. In today's world there are many publishing options. How to get your bo...
May 30th, 2022
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Book distribution 101: Getting books to market
Book distribution is a complex part of the publishing process. Read a brief guide to book distribution for beginners. What is book distribution? Distribution means to make a product or service more widely available to businesses or consumers. As a writer, that product is your book. Bo...
June 19th, 2023
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Pros and cons of self-publishing – should you do it?
So you’ve finally written your novel and you want to get it published. You’ve heard of the tremendous success of self-published authors, such as Colleen Hoover. Now you’re wondering if that’s the way to go. Is it? Colleen Hoover was originally a self-published author. As of Octo...
July 24th, 2023
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Writers sound off on vanity publishing
Recently we asked this question on Now Novel’s social media platforms: Some say vanity presses exploit writers’ dreams by charging excessive fees. Others argue they provide an alternative path in a tough industry. What’s your take?There were a lot of responses to this hot button topic. Vanity pr...
April 8th, 2024
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End notes: what goes at the back of a book
We have all had the experience of reading a novel, getting to the end and feeling unsatisfied. Something wasn’t right, we expected more, the story was so big, so enjoyable and yet, it’s hard to put a finger on it. We may now vow never to read another word from that author again. More than lik...
May 13th, 2024
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