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How to develop a character: 7 simple steps

Knowing how to develop a character so your reader invests in them and believes their journey is key to writing great character-driven stories. Try these 7 simple steps to begin creating affecting, intriguing character arcs: Developing characters in 7 steps: What is character development? ...

Writing skills: How to improve yours 10 ways

Writing skills: How to improve them, make your writing sing? It takes knowing the canvas of grammar, plus having the many colours, brushes and techniques of a robust vocabulary and imagination. Try these 10 ways to get better: Level up your writing skills: How to improve now Use top resou...

How to write an autobiography: 7 key steps

Many people who've lived interesting lives want to learn how to write an autobiography. Whether you want to write a memoir or a fictional autobiography, these 7 steps will help you start: What is autobiography? Autobiography means to write about yourself, typically the account of significa...

How to write a query letter: 10 easy steps

Learning how to write a query letter is crucial when you're seeking an agent and hoping to publish. Read 10 easy steps for writing query letters that convey polish and your story's USP: What is a query letter? A query letter is a formal letter to an agent or editor. It offers a story for p...

Adjectives for description: 60 precise words

Finding the right adjectives for description is tough. Try these 7 tips, and create your own describing word dictionary: What is an adjective? Adjectives are parts of speech used to modify nouns. They describe and make people and things more specific. How do you identify an adjective? ...

Writing comics: Q&A with the creator of Boundless

In this interview with the creator of Boundless the comic, Mike Salsbury, we discuss writing comics, visual storytelling influences, process and building a reading audience. Writing comics: Inspirations Jordan: Thank you for reaching out to us, Mike. I'm curious to learn more about the wor...

Short story structure: Shaping successful stories

Writing short stories provides a stepping stone to conquering larger story forms. Short story structure is easier to see due to brevity. Learn how to structure stories, with examples by a master of the form: What is a short story? A short story is any piece of fiction too short to be class...

6 creative writing exercises for rich character

In creative writing, practice is key. Try these creative writing exercises for deeper characterization. Use every detail, from appearance to movement, gesture, voice, habit, and reputation to make your characters great: What do we mean by 'rich character'? First, what do we mean by 'rich' ...

Plot and setting: Driving stories using time and place

Plot and setting are two essential elements of storytelling. Read tips, examples and exercises to make time and place drive story development: What are plot and setting? Plot is the sequence of related events in a story. It tells us what happens, when, and why. What might have happened (or...

Writing exercises: 10 fun tense workouts

'What exercises can I do to improve my writing craft?' Writing often and reading a lot are common answers given to this question. Writing exercises targeting specific aspects of craft help too. Dip into these fun, practical writing workouts on using tenses correctly: General tips on tense use...

How to fix passive voice (and other common issues)

Knowing how to fix passive voice and other common grammar and style issues ensures a cleaner, more impactful draft. Read 7 tips for improving weak writing style: 7 ways to make your language more active: Fix passive voice not used for effect Substitute weak verbs Avoid unintended tautolog...

Tone in writing: How do you build a novel's tone?

Tone in writing refers to a complex mix of attributes. The mood, register, attitudes and other values conveyed through details such as word choice, sentence structure and the speaker or narrator's attitude to their subject. Read examples of tone in writing that show what creates tone in a no...

RBE | Illustration — We made a writing app for you | 2024-02

We made a writing app for you

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