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Writing background characters: 5 uses
In a novel, film or stage play, not every character needs to take center stage. Some characters play a minor role. Some add passing humour, obstacles, important advice or information. Read 5 ideas for writing background characters: 1. Try writing background characters for habitation Often ...
July 1st, 2019
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88 inspiring quotes about writing a novel
These 88 inspiring quotes about writing, divided into 8 categories, offer inspiration to finish writing a novel: 1. Quotes on finding an idea for a novel Before you write the first word down, before your characters come alive on the page, the initial idea for your novel has to seize your ...
June 27th, 2019
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Google Docs add-ons for writers: 6 of the best
Google Docs is already a useful free word processor. But these 6 Google Docs add-ons for writers will help you brainstorm, write and revise further: 1. ProWritingAid Billed as being ‘for the smarter writer’, ProWritingAid is a useful suite of editing tools for revising that messy first dra...
June 24th, 2019
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How do you write an outline for a novel? 7 easy steps
Many authors enjoy the creative freedom of not having any structure to begin. Yet writing a story outline has many benefits. A flexible plan makes brainstorming ideas, finding possible character arcs and other parts of the writing process so much easier. Read seven simple steps to write an outli...
June 18th, 2019
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Writing scene endings: 6 ways to entice readers
How you end a scene determines whether your reader will read another chapter immediately or not. Here are 6 tips for writing scene endings that entice readers to carry on (with examples): 1. End scenes with surprise When we find stories boring, we might say they were 'predictable'. Unpredictabili...
June 10th, 2019
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Grabbing attention with scene beginnings: 5 tips
Writing scene beginnings readers find compelling is a useful skill to develop. Here are 5 ways to write strong scene beginnings, with examples: 1. Start scenes with unusual events in motion Scenes that begin with 'business as usual' can be fascinating in their own right, if we tell them in...
June 5th, 2019
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Giving writing feedback: Improve your craft
Giving writing feedback is not often presented as a core step in becoming a better writer. Yet many distinguished authors were once (or still are) teachers, too. Here are 6 reasons why giving writing feedback improves your craft: 1. Giving writing feedback helps you problem-solve Problem-...
May 26th, 2019
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8 novel writing tips from accomplished authors
Experienced novelists know the focus and determination it takes to write a novel from start to finish. Read 8 authors' advice on writing a book: 1. Discover when and where you write best The Nobel-winning author Toni Morrison shared insights into her writing process with The Paris Review i...
May 21st, 2019
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Writing action scenes: 6 ways to keep scenes riveting
Whether you're writing a breakneck thriller, action screenplay or a script for a video game or graphic novel, writing action scenes that keep readers (or viewers) entertained is essential. Read 6 ways to make scenes more gripping: 1. Keep exposition focused and relevant to coming action Ex...
May 13th, 2019
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How to evoke powerful images in your reader's mind
Guest author Jerry Jenkins shares his top tips for authors, including 'engaging the theater of your reader's mind' and resisting the urge to explain. A writer wrote me recently and complained she was struggling to get enough detail into her story to give her readers the 'same pictures I see ...
May 9th, 2019
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Writing a scene that engages your reader: 5 tactics
Whether you're writing a novel, a screenplay, graphic novel or other kind of story, writing a scene that engages your reader from start to finish is crucial. Try these 5 tactics to keep scenes engaging: 1. Make your mise-en-scène interesting Mise en scène is a French term from film and ...
May 6th, 2019
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Vivid story setting description: Examples and insights
Vivid story setting descriptions helps us anchor a story's action in place. Listed below are story setting description examples that reveal the varied functions of setting description. 1. Use setting description to highlight characters' turning points What characters do in a place tells us...
April 29th, 2019
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