Writing a book for the first time: 9 challenges you'll overcome

Writing a book for the first time is an exciting but also challenging process. Worldbuilding, creating your characters and plotting scenes are fun processes of discovery, but first-time novel writers often encounter setbacks too. These challenges cause many unprepared writers to give up on ...

How to get inspired to write: 8 effective approaches

Knowing how to get inspired to write quickly will help you rediscover your creative spark when you feel stuck. Here are 8 ways to reconnect with your storytelling gift: 1: Do free writing on a chosen topic Free writing is a great exercise to get ideas flowing when you are feeling stuck. It...

How to be inspired to write every day: 10 ideas

Writer's block might visit sometimes, but you can learn how to be inspired to write every day. Feeling 'uninspired' can mean many things: That you aren't giving yourself enough breaks, that you're being perfectionist and holding yourself to impossible standards, or it can mean that you genuinely...

140 characters contest: Who won (and what do they teach us)?

We loved reading your entries to our '140 characters' contest. The diversity of your entries made our task challenging. Find out the finalists and grand prize winner below, as well as our thoughts on what made these characters compelling and what we can learn from them. At the bottom of the...

How to start writing a novel if stuck: 8 steps

If you feel you don't know how to start writing a novel, you don't need a 'how to write a novel for dummies' book. There are several reasons why you could feel too unprepared to begin: Uncertainty about the merits of your story idea, lack of research and other preparation, or simply being n...

How to Get in the Mood to Write: 9 Tips to Write Daily

Writing a novel from start to finish requires writing consistently. Learning how to get in the mood to write even when motivation is low will ensure you finish. Try these 9 tips: 1: Spend ten minutes freewriting daily Freewriting is a powerful tool for getting yourself into a prod...

Inspirational writing quotes by 15 celebrated authors

Inspirational writing quotes by insightful, established fiction authors will help you when you're feeling stuck. Here are 15 quotes on writing and finding ideas for books as well as finding the courage and motivation to tell your story: 1. Margaret Atwood on how everyone has a story ...

How to find time to write: 9 tips to get words down

Many aspiring authors have to learn how to find time to write with a full-time job. Being a stay-at-home parent also involves roles and responsibilities that can make writing time scarce. Read 9 tips for making time to write despite other tasks and distractions and getting more words on the page...

Writing discipline: 7 strategies to keep writing your novel

Writing discipline isn't mythical or something you simply either have or don't. Organization, writing structure and a sound plan keep you focused. Here are 7 quick tips and strategies for how to keep writing a book and not give up: 1: Understand where your lack of writing discipline come...

7 ways to stop saying 'my writing sucks' and write a book

'My writing sucks' is easy to tell yourself, but this is a story that all too often ends in writer's block. Instead, use these 7 tips to find a way through self-doubt and just write your novel: List what you need to improve and create your own boot camp Keep realistic expectations of your fi...

Now Novel's NaNoWriMo Hub: How to be NaNoWriMo Winners

NaNoWriMo winners who reach the 50,000-word mark learn how to prepare, persevere and finish writing a novel under pressure. Use these resources to succeed and join their ranks: NaNoWriMo Preparation The NaNoWriMo rules don’t let you use any pre-written draft material. You have to start afr...

What will help me write a book? 7 steps

If you’ve tried to write a novel and have put it aside, you might ask ‘What will help me write a book?’ It’s crucial, on the one hand, to choose a book idea that allows for story development, for rising and falling action. Here are 7 steps to make your process easier: 1: Choose what to w...

Prompts | Many Hands | 2024-09

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