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Writing a novel in a month: 10 tips for plotters and pantsers
Streamlining your writing process is useful. Whether you're gearing up for a novel-writing challenge such as NaNoWriMo, or simply have a personal deadline. Here are 10 tips for writing a novel in a month: 1. Make preparations, even if you're a pantser Aspiring authors often describe themse...
October 23rd, 2017
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Stop procrastinating: 9 ways to write more
Procrastination is the enemy of writers, of all creative people. If you've committed to writing a book or story but are avoiding the task, there are simple ways to write more. Try these strategies to boost your focus and motivation. [When you're done, join Now Novel for tools and support to stop...
October 26th, 2017
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12 international writing contests to enter this year
Writing contests are useful for developing your writing craft and giving yourself a deadline to finish something polished. Often, you receive valuable feedback from experienced judges. It's best to see writing competition prizes as a possible bonus. Treat international writing contests as exerci...
January 22nd, 2018
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Quotes for writers: 35 global authors' advice
Respected authors from around the world often share useful advice and ideas on writing. World Book Day is all about celebrating 'the power of books to promote open and inclusive knowledge societies', as UNESCO says. With that in mind, here are valuable insights from authors from the USA to Peru,...
April 23rd, 2018
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Writing hacks: 10 rules to keep up writing motivation
It's difficult to keep writing when motivation wavers. Persistence is a key characteristic that separates prolific authors from writers who never finish. Try these simple writing hacks to boost your productivity and keep your motivation to write strong: 1. Make writing non-negotiable ...
July 12th, 2018
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How to write a book in 30 days: 8 key tips
Annual writing sprints like NaNoWriMo have many experienced and new authors alike testing their limits. Writing a book - a carefully, beautifully constructed book - does take time. Usually, much longer than 30 days. Yet trying this exercise is useful for building discipline, focus and just getti...
October 29th, 2018
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How to find motivation to write: Value, engage, reward
'Motivation' is a word that comes up time and again when we survey readers and members on writing challenges. There may not be a single, exclusive solution for how to find motivation to write. Yet here are 5 ways to stay fired up and on track: 1. Focus on writing tasks that give intrinsic val...
March 14th, 2019
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How to overcome writer's block: 14 methods
Writer’s block is frustrating when you have a story you want to tell but can't find the words to tell it. However, feeling stuck needn't be the end. Try the tips below: 1. Set a regular writing time Set a regular time for writing. It doesn’t have to be every day. It can be every other day,...
March 22nd, 2019
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Why write a book? 10 global authors give reasons to write
Why write a book? It's a question authors are asked time and again (or more simply, 'Why do you write?'). To celebrate World Book and Copyright Day - UNESCO's initiative to promote reading, publishing, and access to books - we're sharing international authors' words on the value of writing: W...
April 23rd, 2019
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88 inspiring quotes about writing a novel
These 88 inspiring quotes about writing, divided into 8 categories, offer inspiration to finish writing a novel: 1. Quotes on finding an idea for a novel Before you write the first word down, before your characters come alive on the page, the initial idea for your novel has to seize your ...
June 27th, 2019
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7 reasons writing a book makes you a champion
Many people talk about wanting to write a book "someday." Anyone who has written a novel knows the enormous effort involved. Here are seven reasons to persevere: 1. Achieve a goal that makes others attainable You will accomplish something few people ever will. Writing a book is hard, bu...
October 10th, 2019
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9 NaNoWriMo lessons for next year and beyond
Whether or not you participate, there are useful NaNoWriMo lessons and insights to discover each year, in the writing community's discussions, celebrations and lamentations on writing. Read 9 NaNoWriMo insights applicable to all writers: 1. Get a head start on writing while motivated Writi...
December 2nd, 2019
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