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How to find beta readers for final draft feedback

Finding astute readers who will read your work before publication and offer insightful, free feedback is golden. Beta readers may help you spot continuity and other errors, SPAG and style mishaps, or give general but helpful feedback. What are beta readers, and how can you find yours? What is...

How to describe a person vividly: 8 ways

Knowing how to describe a person so that your reader forms a vivid impression is vital for immersive writing. How can you describe a person precisely and avoid pace-crushing info dumps or eyes, eyes, eyes? Read 8 ways to write better, varied character description: 8 ways to describe people in...

Story structure examples: How to create payoffs for readers

A well-structured story is satisfying to read. There's payoff for the reader as the story has cohesion and shape. Read a definition of story structure, plus effective story structure examples and methods to make your story more cohesive and dynamic: What this story structure guide covers ...

How to get book reviews: Max visibility in 9 steps

When authors go indie and publish a book, how to get book reviews is a common challenge. For Amazon to take notice and start spotlighting your book, you typically need at least 50 reviews. How can you convert readers into reviewers and boost your book's visibility? Read on for nine steps: 9 s...

Good story openings: 8 lessons from famous first lines

Good story openings are challenging to write but an inviting or catchy first sentence reels readers into your fictional world. Here are 8 famous first lines and what they teach us about how to begin a novel in style: What do great story introduction examples teach us? Good story open...

How to get your book published: Detailed 2022 guide

Wondering how to get a book published for the first time? Read on for advice on preparing to publish. Find information on indie vs traditional publishing, choosing between smaller and larger publishing companies, and more. In today's world there are many publishing options. How to get your bo...

Self-publishing on Amazon: 20 pros and cons for authors

Self-publishing on Amazon has pros and cons, like any path to publishing your book. Read pros and cons to help you make shrewder choices in your publishing journey: 10 pros of self-publishing on Amazon Good knowledge base and Amazon guides Get your book to market faster Access to gl...

Best story writing websites in 2022

Need writing resources? Here are some of the best story writing websites. We've updated these resources to include writing tips, story plotting resources, publishing and book promo help, and more. Fiction writing websites - categories Writing tips and insights from authors Community a...

How to write a plot outline: 7 plotting techniques

Creating a story outline is not for everyone. Yet it is a useful way to scrutinize and expand your story idea. A way to find more material, and create a story structure template that guides your draft. Learn how to write a plot outline with these seven plotting techniques: 7 popular story out...

Point of view: Complete guide to POV in stories

Perspective writing is an aspect of narration many writers struggle with. Yet point of view is an important element of storytelling. Read a complete guide to point of view including first person, second and third, plus objective point of view, with definitions and examples: Contents of this P...

How to finish a novel: 10 ways to follow through

Finishing a novel is hard. Get proactive so that this is the year it happens. Whether you're writing a first novel or your fourth, follow through with these ten tips to reach your writing goals: To finish your novel this year: Make time to write Create a story plan Write to smart go...

How to use central conflict and drama to drive your novel

The central conflict of your story is the primary opposition that stands between a character and their goals. Learn what the main conflict is and why it matters. Find ways to use conflict to propel your story to a resolution or 'to be continued...' What is a central conflict? The definitio...

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