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Book title ideas: How to come up with the best

Finding a title for a book or story that is apt, intriguing and evocative is challenging. Read ten ideas for how to come up with a book title, with examples from classics and contemporary bestsellers: What types of book titles are common? Before we explore ways to title stories, what are c...

Story planning and outlining: Complete guide

Key story planning terms Why outline stories Book planning methods Tools to plan stories Authors on planning This guide to story planning and outlining explores common planning terms and techniques in fiction writing, free and paid tools to plan your story, authors on their...

Story coach Arja Salafranca on writing and editing

We chat to award-winning author, editor and Now Novel story coach Arja Salafranca about writing poetry, prose and embracing multiple mediums. Arja's advice: Write your passion. Watch the video or read the transcript below. [youtube id="4IFgJaoHwoc"] Getting to know Arja Salafranca Brend...

How to start a novel: Hook readers from page one

How to start a novel? Creating curiosity is key. Read examples of first lines from novels that provoke questions, plus tips to avoid info dump beginnings and more: How to start a novel that grabs attention: 10 ideas Read ideas on how to start a novel and evoke curiosity. Keep reading for m...

What is NaNoWriMo? Rules and reasons to do it

What is NaNoWriMo? Why take part? What are the rules? Learn about this annual write-a-thon and why writing a book in a month (or making a good start) is worth doing in November: What is NaNoWriMo? National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo for short) is an annual write-a-thon that takes pl...

How to write a book chapter: 7 popular novels' insights

The word 'chapter' comes from the Latin for 'head'. Like a head, a book chapter is full of moving parts and vital functions. Learn how to write a book chapter that moves your story with insights from popular novels: How to write a book chapter with purpose: Effective story chapters hold an...

Plot conflict: Striking true adversity in stories

In plot - as in life - conflict is a core driver of action and reaction, dilemmas and decisions. Conflict - with others or within a person - prompts change. Internal and external conflict make stories move. Read 7 tips to strike up adversity in stories and make plot conflict matter. How to p...

Creating dynamic characters and static types: 7 ideas

Dynamic characters change while static characters tend to stay the same. Learn more about these character types, with examples: Dynamic characters vs static characters: Definitions What is a dynamic character? A dynamic or round character in fiction has an arc involving significant growt...

Author interview: Mark Lamont on Whisky & Wildflowers

We chat to Now Novel member and debut author Mark Lamont about his novel, Whisky & Wildflowers. In the book, David Carter journeys through grief to presence after his wife's passing to cancer. Mark talks writing inspiration, writing fiction from personal experience, Jane Austen and other inf...

Story plotting and structure: Complete guide

Plotting terms Types of plot Plot ideas Plot development Plotting and conflict Plot devices Story structure This story plotting guide covers everything from brainstorming plot ideas to plot development, story structure and more. Use the links above to jump to the sect...

Editor interview: Jordan Kantey on helping writers

[youtube id="qqtW6UlFICU"] On coaching and editing writers Brendan McNulty 00:12So Jordan, you've done quite a bit of coaching in addition to editing over the years. Can you tell me what's the most fulfilling part of coaching? Jordan Kantey 00:23I think really the connections you make ...

Character writing: Complete guide to creating your cast

Character terms Types of character Character ideas Character development Characters and conflict Describing characters Narration and POV Character questions This character writing guide is a one-stop resource for creating types of characters in fiction. Learn key c...

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We made a writing app for you

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