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170 plot development questions (plus worksheet)

Productive plot development questions for building stories help you turn the core of a plot idea into a many-layered story. Read 170 plot questions divided into helpful focus categories and answer 'who, what, why, where, and when' questions to brainstorm ideas. 100 plot questions from beginni...

Context and subtext in dialogue: Creating layered speech

Context and subtext in dialogue helps us read place, emotion, motivation and more in speech. Use this guide to context and subtext in dialogue to write communication that comes alive in spoken and unspoken cues. What is subtext in conversation? Definition and types 'Subtext' is what lies ...

How an online writers' community grows skill

What is a writing circle or workshop? It's a space (either online or in person) to share and discuss writing and grow. Read ten ways an online writers' community will help you grow with feedback, accountability, and the benefit of many perspectives. How an online writers' community helps emer...

How to write a horror story: Telling tales of terror

Learning how to write horror is a useful for any writer. The genre contains storytelling elements that are useful beyond it. Read a concise guide to horror. We explore what horror is, key elements of horror, plus tips and quotes from masters of horror film and fiction. What is horror? Eleme...

52 common writing errors (examples and tips)

Mistakes are unavoidable in life, yet this guide to common writing errors in stories (with explanations, examples and tips to avoid them) will help you develop your prose's clarity, quality and impact. Common types of writing error The following are ten areas issues often creep in. Keep r...

300 world building questions for deeper settings

The world building process includes questions and questionnaires are useful for making creating fantastical elements, fictional settings, from towns and cities to planets and solar systems, detailed. World building is a vital part of the writing process. That holds true for realistic fiction ...

Boost motivation to write daily: 10 practices

Maintaining motivation to write is tough. Maybe you struggle to stay focused or feel overwhelmed at work or in your studies. Whether the news cycle's got you down or time burglars are stealing the hours, keeping up motivation for writing is a common struggle. Here are ten tips for getting back i...

Writing process: From discovery to done (complete guide)

Writing process stages Discovery or finding ideas Prewriting Writing process challenges Drafting stories Writing feedback and development Revision Editing Publication and promotion The writing process is a complex, not always linear creative process. From 'plott...

Suspense writing: Examples and devices for tenser stories

Suspense refers to both genre and a storytelling device that creates tension and builds your reader's desire to find out. Read suspense writing examples, learn suspense-adding story devices you can use, and what experts at creating suspense say. What is suspense? Suspense (defined by Oxfor...

Writing fantasy: Creating a spellbinding story (complete guide)

Fantasy writing terms Why write fantasy Fantasy worldbuilding Fantasy characters Story structure in fantasy Magic in fantasy Fantasy story conflicts Tips for writing fantasy Fantasy writing is loved by authors and readers of all ages. It offers the wish and wonder ...

Writing love stories: Creating love letters to readers

Writing love stories is popular for many reasons. Genre romance is one of the biggest categories by sales in the publishing industry, year after year. There is a common misconception writing romantic stories is easy. Yet developing characters who readers are ready to ship, stan, and swoon over i...

100 character development questions to inspire deeper arcs

Good character development questions and simple questionnaires help to prompt decisions about who your characters are (or where they're off to next). Develop deeper arcs with these 100 prompts organized by category and focus: Build characters' arcs by asking Goal, motivation and conflict ...

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