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From trauma to triumph: using life writing to heal

As a life-long keeper of journals, I have chronicled the ups and downs of my life in sometimes minute detail. When I parted from, and moved out of my former partner’s home, I filled up notebook after notebook with a dissection of what went wrong, how we might have saved our relationship, and...

Unseen worlds: the omission of women on SFF 'best of' lists

SomeGuy (and there is always someone who will fall under this title) will invariably pipe up in any online discussion on gender and identity for science fiction and fantasy (SFF) writing. He’ll often say, "oh, I never see an author’s gender or sexual orientation as being relevant for fiction," b...

How to write a novel using the Save the Cat! method

Background to Save the Cat! Firstly, here's a bit of background on this technique for crafting a story. The "Save the Cat!" method was first created by Blake Snyder in 2005. A screenwriter and author he outlined this method in his popular screenwriting book Save the Cat! The Last Book on Scr...

Interview with writing coach Masha du Toit

Watch the video or read the full transcript of this writing coach chat below: [youtube id="p8hwrNIfHPc"] Working with writers Brendan: Hi Masha, thanks for taking the time to chat to us today. We wanted to find out a little bit more about you so we can share this with the rest of ou...

Researching place when you can't just get on an airplane

What to do when your character insists that they visited Calgary in Canada and that’s where part of the story takes place? Except you’ve never visited Calgary, never mind Canada. Or if your character goes to Antarctica, and insists you come with, but getting to Antarctica is way out of your pric...

Voices on the page: points to consider when writing dialogue

Dialogue is a fictional tool: it is not the kind of conversation you would have in real life, and nor should it be. In real life we ask our partners if they have remembered to buy the milk, and if they say yes, that’s it. That’s hardly riveting conversation. There’s no ‘story’ in this simple exc...

Author interview: Daniel Pease on writing

Watch the video interview with Daniel Pease or read the full transcript of this chat below: [youtube id="PO-_EqB1fEk"] Starting to write Brendan: Today, we are lucky enough to chat to Daniel. He has written and published a fascinating story that we're going to hear about a little bit m...

9 ways to reclaim your writing groove

At one point you fell in love with your characters. They lived in your head, and you knew exactly what was going to happen in your novel. You could see your characters in vivid detail: what they wore, the way the sun fell as they ate at a picnic, could picture the darkness of a room at night wit...

Crime writing: 10 pointers from the experts

From not having your protagonist eat too many scrambled eggs to writing what you know--and don't know--here's a roundup of advice from crime writing aficionados. Of all the advice about how to write thrilling crime novels, who knew that having your detective eat less scrambled eggs might...

How to write a novella: 6 essential tips

Learning how to write a novella is excellent preparation for writing your first novel. It enables you to work out characters and themes more extensively than a short story does. Writing a novella gives you helpful scaffolding for an expanded and more detailed book or series. Read on for a h...

How to use poetry in fiction

Stretching eyes west, Over the sea, Wind foul or fair, Always stood she Prospect-impressed; Solely out there Did her gaze rest, Never elsewhere Seemed charm to be. From ‘The Riddle’ by Thomas Hardy This is how John Fowles begins his novel, The French Lieutenant’s Woman, that h...

The benefits of reading like a writer

Reading is a good recreational activity, but, for writers, it is a vital tool that can be used to hone the craft. The stories we read provide good guidelines for structuring plot and what various types of plot look like in action, as well as offering in-depth examples of various writing techniqu...

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