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Elevate writing using literary devices

Recognize any of these literary device?'It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.' – Charles Dickens'Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.' The Dickens quote, from the novel, A Tale of Two Cities, is an example of anaphora, while the Peter piper tongue twister might have be...

How to use Jung's 12 archetypes to shape characters

We are all familiar with character archetypes: the smiling joking jester, the villain with a leer on his face, or the wise man or woman with flowing white hair. There’s a reason we are familiar with them, as they are used over and over in the stories we watch, read and consume in various ...

Exploring the depths of villainy

The evil eye peering through the keyhole, the man with a dagger raised, the sneer of a woman’s scarlet-painted lips. Cue the sinister music: we’re talking about villains, antagonists and anti-heroes. These nefarious characters, with their dark intentions and sinister deeds, play an indis...

Interview with Now Novel debut novelist Christine Bhasin

Christine Bhasin wanted to write for a long time, but life and children took over. She took the plunge into writing when she hit 60. She joined Now Novel where she has been able to receive feedback on her chapters as she wrote. Christine Bhasin Now 65, she has been steadily at...

Impact of introductions, prologues, prefaces and forewords

‘I was told that novels shouldn’t have prologues,’ a writer said to me recently. We had been discussing her novel, and I was suggesting that she could add a prologue to it to strengthen as aspect of the story. She said that she was under the impression that a prologue would slow or delay the...

Writers sound off on vanity publishing

Recently we asked this question on Now Novel’s social media platforms: Some say vanity presses exploit writers’ dreams by charging excessive fees. Others argue they provide an alternative path in a tough industry. What’s your take?There were a lot of responses to this hot button topic. Vanity pr...

The art of writing flat characters

While the main aim in telling a story might be to include round, complex characters in your story, it’s also equally important to include flat characters. In fact, some novels even contain a main flat character. An example of this is Agatha Christie’s Hercules Poirot’s detective mysteries. Poiro...

Exploring the structure of Freytag's Pyramid

Storytelling is at the heart of our human interactions. We tell stories when we talk to each other, explaining what has happened in our lives. We also pay money to consume stories in the form of movies, theatre, books and so on. So many stories use the Freytag’s Pyramid (or Triangle) method, and...

What is literary fiction? How to develop a literary voice

What is literary fiction? Literary fiction explores subtleties and complexities of language, theme and symbolism. It often tends to be character-driven rather than plot driven. Read a definition plus tips on how to develop literary writing style. How do you define literary fiction? If you ...

How to write a scene: Nailing purpose and structure

Understanding how to keep a scene interesting is a crucial skill for writing a novel or screenplay. Scenes are the basic building blocks of a chapter or act. Read on for tips on how to write a scene, plus analysis of story scene examples What is a scene exactly? The word scene broadly mean...

Fantasy book writing: 7 tips for captivating high fantasy

The fantasy genre endures for many reasons. It transports us to other worlds, stimulating the imagination. It draws on powerful archetypes and symbols. Fantasy is part of the larger category of speculative fiction, and is a massive genre. Read 7 tips for writing captivating high fantasy: Why ...

Comedic writing: How to write a funny story

Funny, comedic writing is hard. Senses of humor vary in what people find amusing. Read a guide to how to write a funny story. Explore types of humor and comedy genres, humor writing tips from stand-up and comedy icons, and examples of different types of comedy writing. Bear in mind that these f...

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