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Novel settings: 7 tips to get setting description right

Setting is the time and place that forms the backdrop for your story. Good novel settings require imaginative and vivid description. Immerse your readers in a mesmerizing fictional world and they will want to turn the page, not close the book. Here are 7 simple tips for getting your setting desc...

Writing your first novel: 10 starter tips for success

Writing your first novel is fun but also a challenge. It helps to put in place the structure, habits and resources you need to keep going until you reach the final page. Whether you're writing your first novel for NaNoWriMo or merely want to start a new novel on strong footing, here are 10 ...

How to create a believable character: 8 tactics

Believable characters are the lifeblood of great stories. Get inspired and start creating characters readers love using these 8 tactics: How to create believable characters: Do preliminary character sketches Ask your story's cast of characters questions Give characters wants and needs (go...

How to describe eyes in a story: 7 simple tips

Learning how to describe eyes in a story without resorting to cliché helps set your writing apart from amateurish fiction. Describing eyes is a handy literary tool to show your character's complex emotions. Many beginning authors over-rely on eye descriptions and eye color to create an impressio...

How to create a villain readers won't forget: 6 tips

Learning how to create a villain - the 'bad guy' of your novel - is as important as learning how to create a memorable protagonist. Read 6 tips for writing vivid villains: Make a villain three-dimensional Give your villain's wrongdoing history Show how your villain wasn't always the ba...

Now Novel's NaNoWriMo Hub: How to be NaNoWriMo Winners

NaNoWriMo winners who reach the 50,000-word mark learn how to prepare, persevere and finish writing a novel under pressure. Use these resources to succeed and join their ranks: NaNoWriMo Preparation The NaNoWriMo rules don’t let you use any pre-written draft material. You have to start afr...

How to write a flashback scene: 7 key steps

Writing flashbacks is an important skill to master if your novel cuts across time periods or strongly features characters' memories. Here are 7 key steps for how to write a flashback scene: How to write flashbacks: Know why your story needs a flashback Look at flashback examples in fic...

How to write a romantic book: 5 mistakes to avoid

Learning how to write a romantic book also means learning to avoid common romance writing mistakes. The best romance writers excel at finding romantic story ideas and fleshing them out with memorable character relationships. Here are 5 romance writing mistakes to avoid: 1: Avoid imm...

Writing discipline: 7 strategies to keep writing your novel

Writing discipline isn't mythical or something you simply either have or don't. Organization, writing structure and a sound plan keep you focused. Here are 7 quick tips and strategies for how to keep writing a book and not give up: 1: Understand where your lack of writing discipline come...

Novel plot mistakes: 7 don’ts for how to plot a novel

Plot weaknesses can derail a story and leave readers feeling unfulfilled and frustrated. Plot holes, unexplained departures from the established rules of your fictional world and other quirks can ruin a promising book. Here are 7 don’ts for how to plot a novel: 1: Don’t create ...

Character relationships: 6 tips for crafting real connections

Writing character relationships that make sense requires thinking about how relationships work. How and why do people interact in harmonious or confrontational ways? Here are 6 tips for creating connected characters whose relationships are convincing: 1: Draw inspiration for ch...

Great grammar tips: 7 reliable resources for writers

Great grammar gives your writing power. The author Joan Didion once said 'Grammar is a piano I play by ear... All I know about grammar is its infinite power. To shift the structure of a sentence alters the meaning of that sentence, as definitely and inflexibly as the position of a camera alters ...

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