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Manuscript editing: How to cut words when your novel's too long

In this guest post by author, blogger and writing teacher Janice Hardy, Janice shares tips for cutting words when your manuscript is too long. Cutting words from your manuscripts doesn't have to be a huge hack and slash deal. You don't have to rip your baby to shreds. In fact, hacking away w...

How to start a novel in third person: 7 tips

There is no basic formula for how to start a novel in third person. Yet working with third person POV presents specific choices, challenges and advantages. Here are 7 tips for beginning a book in third person: 1: Choose between third person limited, objective and omniscient In a&n...

Editing novel drafts like a pro: 8 tips

Editing novel drafts requires a specific set of skills. It's wise to use a professional editor if you are serious about getting published. Even so, editing your manuscript well before you share your first draft with an editor will save time by streamlining the book editing process...

How to write a classic: 7 key elements

Many different factors go into whether a book becomes a classic. Some are classics because they explore significant themes brilliantly. Some become mainstays of language classes because they contain valuable ideas for discussion. Some become classics because they speak to people across...

How to write a detective story: 7 keys to a killer whodunnit

The crime subgenre of detective fiction has many aspects that are key to a good story. Cause and effect are strong. Because every character is a potential suspect, we remember how important it is for every story character to have compelling motivations, public and private lives. Here are 7&...

How to write a romantic novel for all genre lovers

There are many reasons to learn how to write a romantic novel. For one, Romance remains an extremely popular and even lucrative genre. In 2015, the Romance Writers of America shared statistics showing that romance books bring publishers and indie authors over $1.08 billion in sales annually...

8 writing tips from authors who won the Nobel

Writing tips from professional writers who won the Nobel (such as Toni Morrison and Gabriel Garcia Marquez) are often worth taking to heart. Read 8 of the best pieces of writing advice and nuggets about writing process from acclaimed, successful successful writers: 1. Don't use dead language...

7 common novel writing tips (use caution)

Common novel writing tips should never be applied without further thought. Here are 7 common writing tips you'll hear in creative writing classes and writing groups that you should avoid applying blindly: 1. 'Write what you know' It's true that to write a great story, y...

How to write accents and dialects: 6 tips

Learn how to write accents and dialects in your stories because it will help you write about crosscurrents between people and places. Regional dialects help to convey a sense of local character speech in stories. Dialect and accent as literary terms - definitions 'Dialect' is the language ...

Vonnegut's best advice to writers: 8 tips revisited

The great writer Kurt Vonnegut's best advice to writers, the 8 'rules' reprinted in his story collection Bagombo Snuff Box (1999), has been shared often. Read Vonnegut's creative writing tips below. We ask: Are they good rules? First: Who is Kurt Vonnegut? If you aren't familiar w...

Descriptive verbs: 7 tips for avoiding weak adverbs

'Don't use adverbs. Only ever use descriptive verbs.' This is a writing 'rule' often repeated, partly thanks to Stephen King's strong views on the subject. It's true that beginning authors often use adverbs to cover up bland dialogue or action. You don't have to avoid&nb...

Novel writing basics: 10 steps to an unputdownable book

Your grasp of novel writing basics such as plot and character needs to be good for readers to enjoy your novels. Here are 10 steps to make your book unputdownable: Promise revelation in your story premise. Make each chapter beginning and ending tantalizing. Master novel writing bas...

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