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How to write a series: 8 novice mistakes to avoid
Learning how to write a series presents several pitfalls. Here are 8 mistakes to avoid if you're writing your first book series: 1. Choosing a series concept too thin for multiple books Is your story idea big enough to stretch across multiple books? Would you be able to extend your ch...
June 29th, 2015
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Best poems from the 21st Century: 3 lessons in how to write a book
Many prominent novelists have also been poets: the Canadian author Margaret Atwood has been a prolific writer of not only novels but poetry and essay collections too. Poetry tends to have a smaller readership, but the best poems provide insights into how to be creative with image, style and line...
June 28th, 2015
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Infographic: How to build a book audience
Our previous guide on how to build an audience for your fiction included practical tips on using social media, getting active in your local book-reading community and more. Now you can read and share some of the key pointers included in that guide via the concise infographic below: These...
June 27th, 2015
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How to build a book audience: 6 smart methods
How can you build a book audience for your writing? These six strategies will take you from creating a core audience to expanding well beyond that initial group of readers: Work as your own book publicist If you are self-published, you already know this is vital to finding a readership. If...
June 25th, 2015
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Overcoming writing obstacles: Zainul Khan
In this interview we speak to Now Novel member Zainul Khan. Mr Khan kindly agreed to talking about his eventful life and writing development in a guest writer interview. He has written several books, including novels and a memoir, triumphing over personal setbacks in the process. We hope Mr. Kha...
June 22nd, 2015
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Writing advice: Show, don't tell: or should you?
“Show, don’t tell” is one of the most common pieces of advice given about writing, but should you follow this advice? In fact, sometimes you should tell (and not show). Here are some of the reasons why: What does 'Show, don't tell' mean? First, let’s look at what the phrase means. 'Show, d...
June 15th, 2015
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Types of narration infographic - 6 narrative POVs
Types of narration and POV play a crucial role in your story's overall dramatic effect. What is a narrator? The narrator is the character whose point of view frames the entire story. Here is a handy infographic explaining 6 kinds of narrator. When you're finished reading, try the The No...
June 14th, 2015
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Now Novel Reviews
Have you been wondering what the Now Novel process is like to work with? We've received many Now Novel reviews detailing what writers have found most useful about the process: Trustspot Read paying users' reviews on our independent reviews page at TrustSpot. To find details about paid m...
June 12th, 2015
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Writing crime fiction - 7 elements of gripping suspense
Suspense is a critical aspect of writing crime fiction. All the elements outlined below can help to increase suspense over the course of your novel: Create suspense in crime via conflict Suspense arises from conflict. Before you can effectively create suspense throughout your crime novel, ...
June 10th, 2015
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How to self-edit your writing: 8 tips
Learning how to self-edit your writing empowers you to polish your prose. Ernest Hemingway famously quipped that you should 'write drunk and edit sober'. You need a state of mental clarity that allows you to be methodical when editing. It often pays to read what published authors have to say...
June 7th, 2015
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Writing fan fiction: Valuable platform or fad?
Fan fiction is a popular genre in which authors use existing fictional characters and worlds as the starting point for their own stories adhering to (or altering) 'canon' or the history of an author's work. Learn more about this genre and its practicalities: What is fan fiction? Fan fictio...
June 3rd, 2015
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Banish writer's block - infographic
We've previously explored ways you can break out of a dry spell and get writing. We've condensed ten of our favorite methods into the infographic below. Pin, tweet, or share on Facebook with the writers you know who might appreciate a reminder of the many ways creative paralysis can be...
May 30th, 2015
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