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6 story conflicts possible in your book

Conflict is at the heart of all stories. These are six of the story conflicts possible in your book: What are story conflicts? A conflict in a book is a situation or meeting between characters that results in challenge and opposition.  Conflict, such as a power struggle betw...

A letter to beginning writers

Beginning writers are at the start of an exciting journey, and it may be one that lasts a lifetime. With that in mind, here is some advice for writers at the start of it all that they can return to throughout their writing lives. Perseverance and making time Writing requires a number of skills. M...

How a Novel Ends

[This week we're fortunate to have successful author Warren Adler with us, giving his insights on how a novel ends.] Roderick Thorp was part of a small group of novelists who came together on a monthly basis in the late eighties in Los Angeles to chew the fat. Rod had made a breakthrough success ...

Writing a story from beginning to end: How to take charge of plot

Writing a story from beginning to end is a complex task that people approach in varying ways. Some are guided by their characters or by instinct. However, it is possible for you to take charge of your plot and steer it in your intended direction from the opening sentence to the fin...

NaNoWriMo Challenge: why writers should do it

Cari Bennette of Jet Writers shares tips for overcoming NaNoWriMo hurdles. Well, here it is November again and once more the National Novel Writing Month has started. Is this the year you'll get that novel written? We’re about to give you nine good reasons why you should go through with it...

The secrets of writing humour

It is said that writing humour is the most challenging type of writing, but being able to write comedy is an excellent skill to add to your writing toolbox. Why is learning to write humour so important? There are a number of reasons: 1. Humour writing contains important elements of craft Humour w...

Write better description: What Marquez can teach us

Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez was praised for his lyrical, vivid descriptions among other aspects of his work. By studying his prose, you too can write better description: The most famous works of Garcia Marquez are the novels One Hundred Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of...

5 easy ways to research your novel

Writers tend to be split in their feelings about research with some enjoying it and others dreading it. Almost every writer will need to do at least a little research from time to time, but there are a number of methods available to get you the information that you need. Not every novel requi...

How to choose a book title: Titles that sing

Although it is said that you can't judge a book by its cover, most of us would have to admit we have been attracted to or put off a book by its title. If you want to build your audience, knowing how to choose a book title is crucial. So how do you choose the right one? For a lucky few works ...

What is an unreliable narrator?

An unreliable narrator (or the use of untrustworthy narrators) is one of the most powerful literary devices or tools available to a writer. Their unreliability might be obvious to the reader throughout, it might be revealed gradually, or it might come as a revelation that provides a major plot tw...

Writing wabi sabi

Writing wabi sabi is a concept borrowed from the Japanese that has to do with accepting impermanence and imperfection. Applying this concept to writing can lead to a way of seeing the world that results in greater creativity. The words are difficult to translate directly because they express a st...

How to write humour like Jerry Seinfeld

To write humour like Jerry Seinfeld, you need to understand the structure of his humour as well as the anatomy of humour in general so you can write your own comedy: How to write humour like Jerry Seinfeld in 5 steps: Step 1: Don't betray the effort your joke took to create. A large part of humo...

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