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How to write dialogue: 7 steps for great conversation

Learning how to write dialogue in a story is crucial. Writing gripping conversations that include conflict and disagreement and further your story will make readers want to read on. Here are 7 steps to improve your dialogue writing skills: 7 steps to write better dialogue: Learn how to fo...

How to start a scene: 5 ways to reel readers in

Knowing how to start a scene so your reader is involved from the beginning is a skill anyone can develop. Read the following tips to ensure each set of unfolding events in your story captivates from the first few lines: What is a scene? A quick definition A scene is 'A sequence of continuo...

Writing riveting inciting action: 7 ideas

The inciting event or incident - the situation that ignites circumstances fueling your story - is an opportunity to intrigue and win your reader's commitment. Remember these 7 tips to write riveting inciting action: 1: Make readers care 2: Stoke expectations 3: Promise development 4:...

421 ways to say said? Simplify dialogue instead

If you search for alternative dialogue tags to use in your story, you'll find many lists. While some synonyms for 'said' read naturally (such as words conveying volume like 'whispered'), others come across as overwritten and forced, particularly in the wrong context. Here are 5 simple ways to...

Writing prose: 5 steps to better style

Writing prose, like writing poetry, involves specific challenges. Although prose is closer to 'ordinary', 'everyday' speech than poetry, it is easy to write purple prose and make other small mistakes. Here are 5 steps to refine your prose writing style: First: How do you define prose? T...

Descriptive verb list: 30 words to replace dull actions

Sayings such as β€˜the road to hell is paved with adverbs' scare many aspiring authors off using adverbs to describe characters' actions. Yet writers say this because there are often more descriptive, common verbs you could use instead of a duller verb-plus-adverb. Use this list of descriptive str...

Strong first person narrative: Engaging narrators

First person narrative lets your main character take the reader into their confidence. The intimacy and immediacy of first person, how it closely involves your reader in your narrator's world, makes this point of view (POV) naturally engaging. Here are 5 tips to make a good first person narrativ...

Romance story ideas: 5 tips for affecting arcs

Inspiration for romance story ideas is everywhere. From news headlines (TV actresses marrying members of the British royal family) to a sweet interaction you might witness in a restaurant. How can you develop a strong, affecting romance story idea? Read the following tips and use them to cr...

Comedy writing: How to create humor in writing

There are many articles on writing serious characters, creating action, intrigue, and high drama. Yet what about comedy writing? Read the following ideas and examples for tips on using humor in your writing: 1. Know your audience Toni Morrison said 'If there's a book you want to read, then...

Using conflicts in a story: 6 helpful conflict examples

What are conflicts in literature? Why do they matter and what purposes do they serve? Read six examples of story conflicts from books and why they work. This will help you create your own interesting, dramatic oppositions: What is conflict in a story and why does it matter? Conflict i...

How to start a story in first person: 8 pointers

There is no single 'right' approach to how to start a story in first person. That being said, there are several ways to start a story using first person point of view and hook readers from the start. Here are 8 pointers for beginning a book in first person Perfect your character in...

How to write a rewarding series arc

Structuring a story is challenging, especially when your story spans multiple books (or, in the case of TV, episodes). Read on for ideas to make your series arcs - of character and plot - rewarding: 1. Outline ideas for individual books' arcs A writing project as large-scale as a seri...

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