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How to start writing a book: Developing rough ideas

Many aspiring authors contact us with this problem: 'I don't know how to start writing a book. I only have a few rough ideas.' There are variations: 'I have so many ideas, but I'm not sure where to start,' for example. Yet the general theme is the same: How, in terms of actual steps, should I st...

12 international writing contests to enter this year

Writing contests are useful for developing your writing craft and giving yourself a deadline to finish something polished. Often, you receive valuable feedback from experienced judges. It's best to see writing competition prizes as a possible bonus. Treat international writing contests as exerci...

Learn how to write as you read: Improve your craft

What is the one most common piece of advice established authors give aspiring ones? It's not 'show, don't tell' or 'kill your darlings'. It's 'read more'. Reading as much as you can helps you learn how to write as you read. Here are ideas for how to improve your writing through conscious reading...

Writing movement and action in dialogue: 6 tips

Great dialogue in fiction sweeps us up in the story. Movement and action in dialogue are two important elements that serve multiple purposes. Here are tips for writing dialogue that connects your characters to their world: How to use movement and action in dialogue writing: Use background...

Submitting your novel: Key elements of success

This is a guest post by Samar Hammam, literary agent and founder of Rocking Chair Books. Submitting your novel to an agent or publisher is a multi-stage process. It helps to know the fundamentals of what makes a strong submission. At book fairs, aspiring authors often ask, 'How can I get...

Being a fiction writing coach: 5 valuable lessons

Being a fiction writing coach gives daily insights into the common and different struggles aspiring authors face. It also helps us find solutions we can apply to challenges in our own creative work. Here are 5 valuable lessons we've learned through working with diverse writers: 1. Beckett was...

Common pantser writing challenges (and how to solve them)

Are you a plotter or pantser? Pantsers write without planning while plotters prepare beforehand with extensive outlines. Both types of writing have their uses. Yet not having a plan sometimes creates problems. Here are common pantser writing challenges we've found coaching authors (and ways...

Finding good story ideas in your genre

Finding good story ideas in your genre is easier when you read broadly and know your genre well. Read tips for finding and developing an idea that will appeal to other fans of your genre: Read widely and know your market Brainstorm the 5 W's Think about the kinds of story ideas that mak...

Editing your writing: How to double your efficiency

This is a guest contribution by Lisa Lepki, editor at ProWritingAid. So, you've finished your novel; now the real work begins. Editing your writing and rewriting are the best insurance you have against your manuscript ending up in the reject pile. Experts agree that you should put your man...

Creating villain motivations: Writing real adversaries

In fiction, villains come in all guises and disguises, from scheming rulers to domineering family members or peers. Learn how to write villain motivations that make sense. For a look detailing what makes a character a villain, an antagonist or an anti-hero, read our in-depth post. 1. Explain...

Story climax examples: Writing gripping build-ups

Sometimes we overstate the importance of 'climax' in a story. After all, some novels end with anti-climax. Bret Easton Ellis even ends a novel mid-sentence. All the same, knowing how to create a gripping build-up is useful, especially if you're writing a fantasy or thriller. Here are tips gather...

How to write a hook: 8 tips to lure in readers

Knowing how to write a hook is one of the key skills separating published from unpublished authors. Publishers want to know (among other things) that your book will appeal to an audience within the relevant market. How do you write a hook that makes readers lose track of time in book stores and ...

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