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Strong first person narrative: Engaging narrators

First person narrative lets your main character take the reader into their confidence. The intimacy and immediacy of first person, how it closely involves your reader in your narrator's world, makes this point of view (POV) naturally engaging. Here are 5 tips to make a good first person narrativ...

Romance story ideas: 5 tips for affecting arcs

Inspiration for romance story ideas is everywhere. From news headlines (TV actresses marrying members of the British royal family) to a sweet interaction you might witness in a restaurant. How can you develop a strong, affecting romance story idea? Read the following tips and use them to cr...

Comedy writing: How to create humor in writing

There are many articles on writing serious characters, creating action, intrigue, and high drama. Yet what about comedy writing? Read the following ideas and examples for tips on using humor in your writing: 1. Know your audience Toni Morrison said 'If there's a book you want to read, then...

Using conflicts in a story: 6 helpful conflict examples

What are conflicts in literature? Why do they matter and what purposes do they serve? Read six examples of story conflicts from books and why they work. This will help you create your own interesting, dramatic oppositions: What is conflict in a story and why does it matter? Conflict i...

How to start a story in first person: 8 pointers

There is no single 'right' approach to how to start a story in first person. That being said, there are several ways to start a story using first person point of view and hook readers from the start. Here are 8 pointers for beginning a book in first person Perfect your character in...

How to write a rewarding series arc

Structuring a story is challenging, especially when your story spans multiple books (or, in the case of TV, episodes). Read on for ideas to make your series arcs - of character and plot - rewarding: 1. Outline ideas for individual books' arcs A writing project as large-scale as a seri...

Finding story topics when stuck: 5 simple methods

Story topics are all around us, yet having a wide breadth of choice can be daunting. Sometimes we know what we want to write already, at least vaguely, as it's the reason we've chosen to write a book in the first place. Yet what if you're between projects and can't think of a new idea? Or you si...

What is a plot point? Find and plan clear story events

What is a plot point, and why is it helpful to think in terms of plot points? Read on for a definition and tips for making significant events in your novel or story count: What is a plot point? Many writers attach strict roles and functions to plot points. Some say, for example, a first pl...

Quotes for writers: 35 global authors' advice

Respected authors from around the world often share useful advice and ideas on writing. World Book Day is all about celebrating 'the power of books to promote open and inclusive knowledge societies', as UNESCO says. With that in mind, here are valuable insights from authors from the USA to Peru,...

Writing techniques to polish your prose

Writing techniques make individual authors' styles distinctive. From poetic devices (such as metaphor and simile) to narrative strategies, writers use various literary techniques and in doing so create their (often unmistakable) personal styles. Here are writing techniques you can use to elevate...

How to begin a novel: 8 ways to captivate

How satisfying is a novel that sinks its hooks in from the first page? Knowing how to begin a novel so that you captivate readers from the first chapter is key to writing a publishable book. Here are 8 ways to begin your book compellingly: 1. Begin a novel by making your reader need answ...

How to build narrative pace using grammar

There are multiple factors that determine narrative pace, the rate at which your story's narrated action unfolds. Tone and word choice are two factors. Yet having a good command of grammar helps too. Try these tips to build better pacing: 1. Master the participial phrase A participle is a ...

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